Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Artist Statement

Throughout my life, art has always been a constant. It has always been something significant to me even at a young age when I had no real concept of what art was. Even though art is an immutable part of my life, by the same respect it is always changing. My style has developed, my taste has changed, and my medium of choice has shifted. Sometimes I use art as entertainment, sometimes I use art to express my mood and emotions, sometimes I do art when I am completely inspired, and other times I do art when I am completely uninspired. It is something that has captivated and mesmerized me my whole life. 

When deciding what I would choose for my concentration idea, I evaluated all of the different types of art and subject matter I was drawn to. I decided that I would focus on dream like images. After searching through my photo imagery, I noticed a common thread throughout all of the photographs. They all tended to evoke a dreamy feel. When I looked through my other pieces of art, I noticed that I was drawn to abstract, vague, imaginary, and whimsical images. I love marbleized paper and the process of drawing back onto the paper. I love photo transfers that leave traces of the image on the paper. When I found that I was captivated by this type of imagery, I knew my concentration would be dream like images. 

I hope that through my images, I will inspire people to interpret art freely. I think through the dream like images, there is a lot left up to the imagination. People are able to define their own meaning and purpose to my art. That is part of the beauty of art. It's free and it's open

ROUGH DRAFT, very rough.


  1. Good work (love the whole blog BTW - I hope this becomes a useful tool for you!). I think your last paragraph is the most relevant and you should build on it. By creating dream-like images and leaving it open to the viewer - what do you hope the viewer will gain? Try researching other artists that have perhaps explored this topic. Look up Helen Frankenthaler and see if you can draw any ideas or inspiration. Keep writing.

  2. Kelly- Go ahead and start revising this statement more. What is about the drewam-like images that you are exploring? What is the content that you are trying to communicate? Think about what it is you are truly trying to investigate (balance in composition through the process of pouring and dripping paint to create self-portraits?).
