Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

concentration #4

1.What suggestions will you use to demonstrate an obvious and purposeful use of the elements and/or principles? If this project were to be turned in to the College Board today it should be very clear what element or principle of art the work focuses on.
2.How can you create a more engaging design using one or more of the principles of art?
3.Do you feel that your work demonstrates your idea (concept) while also creating an effective design using the elements and principles of art? 
4.What did you try to do to create informed risk-taking within the parameters of the project? Think about what we have studied thus far in the year (this is where the artist should be moving beyond the basic mastery of concept and presenting the idea in a new way to take a risk).
5.Think about your personality and your personal vision for your artwork – what did you try to do that represents who you are through the parameters of this project (structure and the self-portrait)?

I added purple to enhance the other purple that was in my work. This was suggested in the critique. I focused on how I was applying the paint and what I was making through this loose process of applying the paint. I think I mainly focused on value by adding water to make lighter values with the ink and applying the ink straight to the paper to make darker values. Yes, it's a self portrait displaying an emotion. I added the newspaper and text. This was something I haven't tried but I think it makes a cool mechanical design. 

Monday, February 16, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

concentration #3

1.What suggestions will you use to demonstrate an obvious and purposeful use of the elements and/or principles? If this project were to be turned in to the College Board today it should be very clear what element or principle of art the work focuses on.
2.How can you create a more engaging design using one or more of the principles of art?
3.Do you feel that your work demonstrates your idea (concept) while also creating an effective design using the elements and principles of art? 
4.What did you try to do to create informed risk-taking within the parameters of the project? Think about what we have studied thus far in the year (this is where the artist should be moving beyond the basic mastery of concept and presenting the idea in a new way to take a risk).
5.Think about your personality and your personal vision for your artwork – what did you try to do that represents who you are through the parameters of this project (structure and the self-portrait)?

I focused on line, texture, and value in this project. I incorporated lines throughout all of the piece. I wish I had not added the purple in the top part. It didn't turn out the way I wanted it. I could add more value shades and textured paper to make it more engaging. Yes it is definitely conceptial. I think it's more then just a bunch of lines because I added the similar self portrait and the paper on top. I added the paper coming out and the self portrait. I think even the different colors together was fairly risky... at least for me. Definitely... it's very loose. I had no idea what I was doing until it was done. It's very spontaneous like all of my other projects.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


ye-uh., originally uploaded by .k.hall..

Please, please, please don't cut part of this off flickr. I made this... I like it, probably cause I like the song.

Concentration #3

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


amazing., originally uploaded by .k.hall..

simply amazing.

it cut my last picture off...

For Anne., originally uploaded by .k.hall..

sad. go to my flickr though

day fifteen.

day fifteen., originally uploaded by .k.hall..

this is my day fifteen for 365 days for flickr. every time I read that verse I feel renewed. it makes me want to praise God, it's completely how I feel.

everything is gonna be alright

everything is gonna be alright, originally uploaded by .k.hall..

something I should remind myself of often. I should start writing on here more. AP english has drained the life and creativity out of my writing. I can't even remember how to write creatively. I miss Ms. Gibson. This photograph sorta reminds me of my third concentration piece. Vertical, yellow, brownish colored. HMMMMM, where am I going with that painting?

Monday, February 2, 2009

1.What suggestions will you use to demonstrate an obvious and purposeful use of the elements and/or principles? If this project were to be turned in to the College Board today it should be very clear what element or principle of art the work focuses on.
2.How can you create a more engaging design using one or more of the principles of art?
3.Do you feel that your work demonstrates your idea (concept) while also creating an effective design using the elements and principles of art? 
4.What did you try to do to create informed risk-taking within the parameters of the project? Think about what we have studied thus far in the year (this is where the artist should be moving beyond the basic mastery of concept and presenting the idea in a new way to take a risk).
5.Think about your personality and your personal vision for your artwork – what did you try to do that represents who you are through the parameters of this project (structure and the self-portrait)?

For concentration #2

I added my motion images in a specific way to enhance the composition. I also carried out the orange. I could have and should have maybe pushed value more. Most of my colors were all one value shade looking back at my image now. I think shape, line, and my composition is strong in this piece. I think that I pushed my dream like image well through shape and space. I poured paint... enough said. No but I also added lots of different mediums. I used my photographs and my paint and also watercolors. I also drew with charcoal. I think my personality definitely comes through in this piece. It definitely exudes my loose style well. The colors and free motion of it all definitely shows my style.