Sunday, February 1, 2009

concentration #2


  1. I didn't look very closely at the pictures that you added until just now (I didn't realize that they were you for some reason, haha), and I think you should know that you look BEAUTIFUL Kelly! :) I love the movement in this piece and the way that it turned out. I can't wait to see what you create this week!

  2. thank you, thank you, thank you. your compliments bring much help to an uninspired mind at the moment. haha and I really really mean that. I can't wait to see what you create either.

  3. no, thank YOU for helping me with my mini-crisis today. i talked to my mom about it and she said she understood almost everything... i think i'm going to be okay. although i'm not really sure what i'll do without you in my art class next year :(

  4. OH MY GOSH. MO I am beaming with excitement. I am SO SO incredibly proud you talked to your mom. It's not easy especially if you think she'll respond negatively. It will work out... it'll all get under control. Let me know if you need ANYTHING. to talk, to go out to eat, to hang out, or any advice because I've felt the same thing you felt. like what the heck is wrong and why am i crying!? I am here for you.

  5. ahh kelly i love how this turned out!! so creative and the colors look amazing. i like how you added the self-portraits in!
