Sunday, March 15, 2009

concentration #7


  1. Kelly, THIS IS FABULOUS. I could write a billion things about this piece, but all I really need to say is that this piece is you, times infinite, and it works. You've got amazing texture, a great color scheme, and a beautiful composition. Don't change anything.

  2. oh my goodness. i just had a total freak out that i cant describe on here :) this is sooo awesomeee! like i wanna buy this! haha. i agree with everything that mo said. the textures are really awesome and so is the self-portrait. i like how your self-portrait and what you have created around it really are in harmony. this is amazing!

  3. this is unreal i especially liked the way you integrated different textures on to your piece while still maintaining a great self portrait

  4. I second Johnny's comment...

  5. Good work! Your transfer is stronger in this piece and I like the collage of the transferred images unifying the different shapes and pieces in the work. The strength of the artwork is your self-portrait and I would continue to push the kind of portraits you are taking (are they all going to be full frontal portraits, for example). As you continue to explore the self-portraits I am seeing that you are taking greater risks and the portraits are becoming more expressive. I think this will ultimately help you as you then work back into the portraits with mixed media to further express what it is you have to say (and only you know this).
    Good work - I am pleased to see the direction that you are working in.

  6. I really like this one. I like the greens, blues and golds a lot. Though they are dark colors, they still give off a warm feel. I like the marks in your self portrait.. it almos tlooks like an underlying grid. Great job!
