Thursday, March 5, 2009

Concentration Statement Addition

My concentration is based on the process of applying paint, ink, or other mediums to a surface. Through this process I will also incorporate a self portrait I have photographed. I will then work back into the applied medium in order to enhance the emotion I am trying to portray. 

1 comment:

  1. Kelly- I am editing for you...

    My concentration is an investigation of self-portraits. In creating my imagery I begin by allowing paint, ink, wax, or other fluid materials to drip or dissolve or combine to create abstract shapes as a base for my design. Through the process of abstractly applying fluid media, I am forced to focus on composition and design as I visualize and work to incorporate a self-portrait. All of my portraits have been photographed by me in natural light. Once the photograph is in the work, I unify the applied medium through mark-making and collage of transferred images to enhance the piece and to further attempt to convey an emotional quality that is expressive of me.
